Otherworldly is a school for mystics, seekers, seers, and those deeply curious about all things esoteric or metaphysical. Book one is dedicated
to the realm of dreams. This is your invitation to join the first cohort.
"Dreams are a path of direct experience, and wordless transmission, through the potency of archetypal energies. Synchronicity is the transmission of messages from the world behind the world, which may include written words, or words of speech overhead, or a song that comes on the radio, or a dream image showing up in waking life, accompanied by a larger energy of recognition that may feel other worldly. The mysteries of the collective unconscious are a place we frequent in dreams." - Valley Reed
Who are you in your dreams?
Are you a flying dreamer, animal speaker, surrealist creator, lucid dancer, or astral alchemist?
Or perhaps you wish you dreamt more, unlocked the large oak door, ascended the spiral staircase and met with your inner dreamer more?
Do you fear the dream space? Relish it? Are you bored with it? Wish it would be one thing when it remains another? Wonder what’s the point? Receive transmissions and insights on the nightly?
In the land of dreams, there is no wrong answer, there is no hierarchy, just keys, and clues waiting for our presence.
Our dreams offer us the opportunity to know ourselves and the world from the inside out, through the deep sensory, the creative pathways, the mirror to our Alethia or deep truth.
Council of Dreamers™: Dream lodge
5-week, every Saturday, journey into the realm of dreams. Humans spend a third of our lives sleeping, roughly 26 years, and the average person has 3-5 dreams per night.
What are the power of dreams trying to unlock?
Are you ready to harness the power of dreams?
Dreams are the heart of our experience as humans seeded with the potential to create, mend, tend, meet, and intuit.
In the dreamtime, we bring together the artist or poet with the mad scientist and observer of pattern; the Chiromancer. She who finds romance in the resonance of her truth which resounds, gong-like in every key and book and tree and lovers touch if she opens up her eyes to know it.
For 5 weeks we will turn the pages in the book of dreams. Each
dream lodge will introduce you to a new way of working with your nightly visions. Each dreamer will have remembered the tools of dreaming through a series of activations, lives, dream shares, exercises and initiations. As each of the weekly dream initiations is completed dreamers receive a merit badge to use as a growing set of talismans, marking their journey back to their dreams.
At the end of our 5 week quest dreamers will have with a patchwork cloak of knowledge, wisdom, dream-speak and tools to carry forward into their waking and sleeping lives.
“There is no denial in the dreamtime,
only subconscious and spiritual truths.”
― Pamela Cummins
The Portal is NOW OPEN!
We begin August 3rd
Dreaming reintroduces us to our wingspan, our wild self and our creativity. Each dream and patterns of dreams are personal snapshots of our inner landscape, they are maps back to our deep knowing. To access this map, we need to identify our tools: some are deeply unique, many with collective resonance. Join us in building our dreamers tool baskets, dreaming together and activating our otherworldly selves as we move through 13 initiations to uncover the inner dreamer.
The journey awaits…